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Awake Space Astrology
with Laurie Rivers

The Pluto Return of 2022: The Real Story
The astrology 2022 is quite volatile especially to the United States political establishment. Find out what the Pluto Return means

Astrology of Hurricanes: Katrina and Ida
By request: Astrology of Hurricane Katrina compared to Hurricane Ida. There are multiple similarities in hurricane astrology charts.

Radical Shift: Solar Eclipse in Gemini June 10th
Eclipses always represent change, it's why the ancients weren't too thrilled to see them on the horizon. It usually meant something big...

Total Lunar Eclipse May 26: What You Need To Know
Get ready for more big changes as reflected by the astrology of (Spring) Summer 2021. Right on the heels of Saturn retrograde, we see...

Saturn Retrograde: What You Need To Know
Get ready for another sharp turn and dive in the great rollercoaster year of 2021. Oh sure, we have Mercury retrograde at the end of the...

Mercury Retrograde: It's Not All Bad News
Here we go again, Mercury Retrograde is right around the corner. It doesn't need to be a time of frustration and mayhem, if you know how...

Jupiter in Pisces 2021: It's Not All Sunshine and Roses
If you listen to the majority of astrologers simping over Jupiter ingress into Pisces, you might be in for quite a shock. Agreed the...

8th House Astrology: Soul Deep
I like to call Popular Astrology, astrology's also dangerous. Popular astrology cuts corners, gives out wrong information, and...

Mercury In Aries: A Time For Strategic Plans
As many in the world prepare to celebrate Easter, the planet Mercury makes it's ingress into Aries. April 3 at 11:30 am Pacific Time,...

The Moon & You: Living by Luna
From the time humans began looking up at the sky, the most notable object besides the Sun, was the Moon. It is the Moon our ancestors...

Time to Create Your VIsion: New Moon in Pisces
Mark your calendars for two very special days, March 12th and 13th. On March 12th the Moon is kissing Venus making it the perfect day to...

Magical Times: Virgo Full Moon
February 27th brings the Full Moon in Virgo and with her come blessings in abundance. Full Moons are always a time of release, often ...

Astrology 101: The Story of The Houses
The Houses in a Natal Chart tell a remarkable story, and in your own chart it tells your story. Your astrology chart is the 2D snapshot...

Aquarius New Moon: A Bright Moment In The Chaos
February 11th sees an uncommonly good bit of fortune as Venus and Jupiter meet in a dance of fair chance as the Moon and Sun connect for...

Busting Through Crystal Walls: Saturn Square Uranus
February will see historic change occur around the globe (not just in the USA). 2020 was the great detonation at the base of outmoded...

Mercury Retrograde: Jan 30-Feb 21
Mercury retrograde happens three times a year, the first round starts on January 30, 2021. Contrary to the internet memes and even the...

Celebrating 20K on TikTok - Astrology & Chocolate
Holy guacamole, has it been a wild ride. My Libra moon loves a good celebration, reaching 20,000 people on TikTok seems like a fun...

One Thing Is Certain: Change
Well, it's off to the races with 2021. My apologies for not getting posts up on Woke Astrology - I have been posting on TikTok and my...

Celebrate The Great Conjunction: Astro Party
On December 21st, 2020 Jupiter and Saturn will be conjunct at 0 degrees Aquarius. This marks the beginning of multiple new astrological...

Fixed Signs: Saturn in Aquarius is Coming
Okay, now that I have your attention. I want you to read this carefully. CAREFULLY !!! Don't just skim over it because you think you know...
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