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Awake Space Astrology
with Laurie Rivers

The Pluto Return of 2022: The Real Story
The astrology 2022 is quite volatile especially to the United States political establishment. Find out what the Pluto Return means

Busting Through Crystal Walls: Saturn Square Uranus
February will see historic change occur around the globe (not just in the USA). 2020 was the great detonation at the base of outmoded...

One Thing Is Certain: Change
Well, it's off to the races with 2021. My apologies for not getting posts up on Woke Astrology - I have been posting on TikTok and my...

Uranus Retrograde: Freedom or Freefall?
The first half of 2020 the theme of social welfare vs individual freedom has been playing out in a multitude of ways. Globally the world...
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