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Awake Space Astrology
with Laurie Rivers

Nov 30: Illuminated Communication
What to expect during the Gemini Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse

Survival Strategies for Thanksgiving 2020
First of all, a reminder that we’re still in a pandemic and cases in the USA are climbing. Given the current astrological weather, this...

The Cauldron Boils Over: November 2020
I'm not going to predict a winner for the US Presidential election, not because I don't think I know who will win, but because I think...

Drums of Autumn: Mars Retrograde
Mars stations retrograde on September 9th. What can you do to prepare for the tumultuous times ahead?

Slices Of Life: Astrological Houses & Their Meanings
Before computers came along, it was was a complex affair to cast an astrology chart. Now, all it takes is access to software, knowing...

Full Moon Pisces: Release and Restore
September 1st (or 2nd depending on where you live) the Moon is Full in Pisces. It is a time to release your fears, let go of your worry,...

What Makes You Feel Alive?
The New Moon in Leo on August 18th came on the heels of Uranus turning retrograde. normally the New Moon is strongest for 3 days, but...

Uranus Retrograde: Freedom or Freefall?
The first half of 2020 the theme of social welfare vs individual freedom has been playing out in a multitude of ways. Globally the world...

Freewill vs Destiny: It's Time To Take Control Of Your Life
Conditions might look like destiny, but you always have freewill. It's how you choose to meet conditions that makes the difference.

Create Your Future Now: Full Moon August 2020
August 2020 starts with a bang... yeah, it's electrifying.

Mars in Aries 2020: Great Balls of Fire
If you thought 2020 was crazy, just hang on... there’s more. Find out what Mars in Aries brings to the table.

Truth, Justice, & Systems Failure: Jupiter & Pluto Conjunct
Warring rhetoric, checking beliefs, Jupiter Rx explained.

Cauldron Brewing: Retrogrades, Eclipses & Mars hitting Aries
June 2020 packs a massive punch with 2 eclipses, Venus direct, Mercury retrograde and Mars in Aries.

Saturn Retrograde: Assessing Your Goals
Saturn Retrograde through the houses for May - September 2020.

Retrograde Week: Saturn, Venus & Jupiter
Saturn, Venus and Jupiter start their retrograde motion this week, while Mercury moves into it’s home sign of Gemini and Mars slides into...

Astrological Cheat Sheet: The Planets
Reading your birth chart can be fascinating and frustrating when you first start learning astrology. Here's a simple cheat sheet to help...
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